Write Off Your Job Search

Julie Shenkman
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Did you know that if you were in the market for a new job last year, most of your expenses related to your job search are tax deductible? Job search expenses can be deducted as miscellaneous itemized deductions.

When you’re searching for a job it’s important to keep track of your job search expenses. If you are looking for a job in the same industry you are currently in, many of your expenses related to your job search are tax deductible.

What you can deduct:

  • Employment agency fees you pay in looking for a new job in your present occupation.
  • Resume preparation costs such as typing, printing and mailing copies of your resume to prospective employers.
  • Travel expenses for your job search if the trip is primarily to look for a new job.
  • Local and long distance phone calls to prospective employers.


In order to deduct these expenses the amount of all miscellaneous itemized deductions must be more than two percent of your adjusted gross income.

You cannot deduct these expenses if:

  • You are looking for a job in a new field.
  • There was a substantial break between the ending of your last job and your looking for a new one.
  • You are looking for a job for the first time.

For more information regarding tax deductions, please contact your local IRS representative.


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  • Henry S.
    Henry S.

    Excellent article, I was not aware of this write off deduction, thank you for your post!

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for the comments. Tax laws change every year. Make sure that you read exactly what is deductible for this year. The items mentioned in the article are pretty standard - resume prep, travel, gas, etc. Make sure that you are keeping receipts for any item that qualifies including gas, tolls, phone charges, etc. And make sure that you ask a tax accountant or your local IRS rep for updated information regarding tax deductible expenses.

  • Michelle K.
    Michelle K.

    Does this still apply if you didn't actually LAND the new job last year? I started my hunt in March 2015, and am still looking, as I am attempting to relocate.

  • Randy Scott
    Randy Scott

    So, the only job search expenses that are deductible are those that only rich people would incur.

  • Rosie D.
    Rosie D.

    Wayne B- not everyone has acces to a computer or fax,email especially when you are in fix income and a senior citizen with no transportation

  • Tammy B.
    Tammy B.

    I'd say most of you need to be looking for a job.

  • Vernita P.
    Vernita P.

    Wow! Wished I'd known sooner.

  • Brittany G.
    Brittany G.
    I've noticed that a lot of you have questions about if your specific job search taxes are deductible. My advice would be to contact a tax specialist and they will be able to give you an exact answer. Good luck!
  • Wayne B
    Wayne B
    I read some of the comments posted by others and I have to say this article sounds outdated. By that I mean in this day and age everything is done using the internet when looking and submitting ones resume and even filling out an application. But the article does not address if one internet expense can be deductible. So far every job I have applied for was through the internet. Also in today age almost every one has a computer and can type up their own resume and print it out which helps the unemployed save some money when every penny counts. Can I deduct the cost of resume paper if I was to print out my resume myself? Also in this day and age if a person was let go due to downsizing and position eliminations and has to look for a job related to what they were doing in their field it is a very narrow field in some areas and one has to look outside their field to find a new job even closely related to their previous position.
  • Bill M.
    Bill M.
    I've been having to claim job search related expenses just about every other year. And once again I've been looking for the past 2+ years even though I to abondoned my house, my family, my gf, to work a year long temporary job several states away. I have several concerns; I don't drive anywhere except medical, groceries, or job search related errands. Is gas deductible ? I know it is if I travel for an interview, and the employer does not reimburse me.  Also, shouldn't I be including part of my phone bills ? Internet ? Those alone have averaged $70 / month, even though I monitor my banks, pay bills, check news, weather n email daily. And I assume computer repairs can be deducted, but vehicle maintenance and repair cannot, unless you are an incorporated business.
  • Hector D
    Hector D
    Thankyou so much juley for this information it was much needed.
  • Robert J
    Robert J
    The reasons why so many are experiencing bias has a lot to do with WOTC-   Work Opprotunity Tax Credit. Google this and you will see why we 50 somethings are having a hard time finding a job. Think about how an employer will abuse this Tax Credit at the cost of older employees.
  • Karen D
    Karen D
    Is the cost of internet service deductible?  One can not search for a job without it.  
  • Shawn M
    Shawn M
    That sounds interesting but I don't any of those expenses.
  • Michael N
    Michael N
    I have been permanently laid off since July 2012. I have submitted close to 100 applications and resumes ONLINE from my home PC since that time. Is there any way I could claim any expenses for all this online job search activity?
  • Max D
    Max D
    Thanks for the great, concise article.  It let me know very quickly that I could not write off anything, as I did not meet the gross income criteria. If you had written this in a round-about manner, it would have been irritating.  You have a great writing style for people who need to "get to the point" quickly.Blessings to you and your present and future endeavors!
  •  Tallie B
    Tallie B
    ..."in order to deduct these expenses the amount of deductions must be more than 2%"   Is this for you or both if filing joint?
  • Jas B
    Jas B
    I agree with Ted this would have been nice to know before do I would have been able to keep track of my mileage and keep receipts but since I didn't know and didn't do these things I couldn't claim this credit I otherwise would have qualified for and need the most as I am still searching after 5 months and they have cancelled the emergency tiers for unemployment which mean I will be ineligible for unemployment as well soon and will need every cent to prepare for when that day comes as there seems to be no jobs in my area and a lot of competition for a job through I have completed college courses in my field.
  • Ted L
    Ted L
    This information would have been nice to have when I moved last year for a new job.  As a result, I didn't save any receipts and have no record of expenses. This information needs to be put out much earlier before tax time.
  • Thomas R
    Thomas R
    Thanks for the valuable info.
  • Robert K
    Robert K
    can the cost of internet be deducted
  • Leland S
    Leland S
    It's nice to have a break for job seeking on taxes. But given that so many of us are changing careers at least once, it strikes me that the disqualifiers are unfair to a tremendous number of us, including me. I have transitioned from an academic path to private consulting and business. I already pay all of my Social Security and Medicare tax (employer and employee portions). As a microbusiness owner in a start-up position now, income is tight. The less I have to pay in taxes, the better I'll be able to pay taxes in a few years, knock on wood.
  • Marilyn W
    Marilyn W
    Very informative!!!!  Good information!
  • Roger w
    Roger w
    I can use thus information, it's exactly what I've been doing all last year.
  • Margaret M
    Margaret M
    I found this article to be very helpful.  One question...can you still deduct these expenses if you are still employed but looking for another job?  I am trying to relocate from one area of the country to the other and have made several trips at my own expense.

Jobs to Watch