Effect of the Minimum Wage Increase on Retail and Small Business

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In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama proposed a startling and swift raise of the national minimum wage. He presented his plans to implement a 24% increase of $1.75 per hour, bringing minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00. The change would take full effect in 2015, which many feel is too much too soon for low-margin businesses to be able to adapt. "You take that kind of increase and you are going to see some reaction, some layoffs, some increases in inflation," Bob Gorland, an expert who specializes in supermarket and retail center feasibility studies and vice president in the Harrisburg office of Matthew P. Casey and Associates, said in response to the president’s proposal. 


Small business owner Ron Taylor predicted his business would not be able to maintain its current staff if the change goes through. "It would probably result in less manpower hours," Taylor said, explaining that if the minimum wage goes up, the number of people he employs could go down. “It's one of the things that as small business owners we hate to do because we have relationships with these people, but from our standpoint it's a matter of survival.” Most of minimum wage employees are college students. He fears that letting them go would compromise the level of customer service his customers expect.


While the number of layoffs increases, the amount of available jobs decreases. Fewer stores will open, and existing businesses will have to find creative ways to cover the cost of maintaining their current workforce. "When you raise the minimum wage a lot of employers at these entry levels don't do as much hiring, so simply just mandating something from Washington again to the private sector doesn't solve our problem," U.S. Senator Dan Coats said. Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry Spokeswoman Lesley Smith agrees, "A minimum wage increase would fall hard on small businesses that continue to struggle in this economy and that still face uncertainty about what it is going to cost to operate their business moving forward." Even large companies are concerned about the pending proposal and are reacting to the wage hike already. The CEO of J.C. Penney, Ron Johnson, announced that he plans to eliminate traditional checkout methods in an attempt to decrease the cost of labor.


As minimum wage increases, retailers will need to cover the increases in labor costs with price increases. "It would be offset with some slightly higher pricing to pay for it," Gorland said. “Whether it be at a grocery store or a pharmacy. If retailers need to tweak their pricing to reflect the higher cost, that would affect the consumers." Consumers will be the ones stuck paying at least part of the bill for raising the minimum.


John Holub, president of the New Jersey Retail Merchants Association, told NJ Biz that raising the pay of the lowest-wage workers will have a ripple effect, putting pressure on employers to raise pay for workers higher on the pay scale. Smith explains, "Businesses understand that in order to attract quality workers, they need to offer competitive wages. The problem with government mandated wages is that they do not consider whether a business can afford to pay that wage.” For some businesses that may not be possible and people working just above the current minimum wage in companies already spread thin by the economy most likely won’t see raises.


Teacher Jevon Ford warns of employee layoffs and higher costs for consumers if the rate is hiked. Ford argues, “Historically speaking, the minimum wage was not created to be a basis for middle class living, but to make sure that minorities, women and young workers were being paid a fair wage.” Smith surmises her fear that “less-skilled workers, some of the very people supporters of mandated wages say they want to help, would be harmed the most."


Image courtesy of BlackChip Solutions


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  •  Robert W
    Robert W
    It's about time min wage went up because the cost of living has gone up rapidly. And someone else should suffer the lost Besides employees
  • patricia v
    patricia v
    I PRAY and hope they do increase the wages -- cost of living keeps going up -- i am tired of people or companys  argueing oh thats to much increase . what do they expect us american people keep working for nothing while life costs keeps going up??? STOP this nonesince !!!!!
  • Kimberly W
    Kimberly W
    I feel like it should be sooner the cost of living is way too high I'm a single mother and its hard to do things on your own and make time for your children when u have to work 3 jobs just to pay rent a car payment and buy diapers!
  • Allen N
    Allen N
    Why not cut wages to congress let them show by example or better yet lets get the cons out of congress and put the pros in then we will have progress
  • Daniel c
    Daniel c
    I'm sure it's been very carefully thought out. the president and his staff are not ignorant.
  • Tom A
    Tom A
    Let's all go back and watch It's a Wonderful Life and listen to Jimmy Stewart when he says treating people fairly makes them better citizens and I would add: creates more wealth for everyone. Does no one remember that raising morale through good wages and benefits makes better more productive employees? Just look at Costco vs Walmart.
  • conrad t
    conrad t
    we can not afford  this at this time
  • Tom A
    Tom A
    I agree with Teresa B. There are consequences to absolutely every decision. To keep it at the same level is a decision that hurts hard working people and is shameful and unjustifiable. Restaurants pay servers $2.14 an hr and pay no benefits (in Va). A living wage needs to be guaranteed because of the greedy short sighted ones who don't even stop to think about how higher wages allow their own workers to afford to buy the products they offer (think Henry Ford)
  • Paula T
    Paula T
    Even a$9 minimum wage cannot be considered a living wage. We are committed to gov't social agencies to supplement the underemployed . Therefore, the argument that gov't should not have the right to raise minimum wage is a moot point. It is long overdue.  
  • Kurt M
    Kurt M
    I totally agree with this eventual outcome.  The increased minimum wage is just another political move by this administration.  He is anti business, and not for the middle class at all.  He simply governed by unions.
    A minimum wage of 9 dollars per hour for retail employees is still not a living wage,even for college students.What profit margin is expected by small business?It is the large retailers who are crying foul.The same retailers that have reaped enormous profits from high prices in America AND CHEAP LABOR FROM FOREIGN IMPORTS.Do we want the same working conditions and pay scale that exist in Bangladesh. The answer is YES,IF if you ask any profit at the expense  of labor driven CEO.Patriotism in the boardrooms of American Corporations does not exist.What a shame for America.
  • Ruby w
    Ruby w
    I do not  thing they need to raise there price. An I don't thing it going to  hurt to pay more. I know they got to figure there expanse also but they also got to look at our expanse also. An I  really believe that greed has gotten out of control. We also got to live with what we make.
  • Terentius v
    Terentius v
    i think its a great idea it will help in certain area. but it may also hurt too but the cost of living is high also like the food,gas meds,health, and etc
  • mark d
    mark d
    I think that wages should go up because of the cost of living
  • James S
    James S
    7.25  is  like the flintstones.   it is 2013   and everything  went up,  gas,   food,  taxes,  cost of living in general.   the retail  stores  in general  are  pigs.   it is about  time  , it should be 10.00  hr  across the board.
  • Richard k
    Richard k
    thats just a big crock.your article is political and will never read again
  • Marquita M
    Marquita M
    I think that it's a good idea that its going up because you have single mothers that work at a small business and what they make might not be enough so if it do go up it will help a lot of people out that can't get a decent job that have to work at a small business so I think it's a good idea
  • Cynthia S
    Cynthia S
    All I hear is about Retail & Small Business OWNERS comments.  What about the employee who is trying to live & support a family on $7.25??How about the CEO's live on $7.25!!!  We all want the economy to excel but it is always at the cost of the employees.  We must be concerned about the INVESTORS who only want to build business to benefit their profit.  No matter if have to lay-off people to do it.  Don't we all want to have enough money to live comfortably!!!!
  • RaymondH
    It's about time that minimum wage workers see some compensation. Companies can cover the increase by monitoring their salaries at the mid and upper management level, also perks to upper management. Minimum wage workers are the backbone of any company pay them.
  • jim p
    jim p
    I agree.  I think this is a reallystupid and ridiculous actionon the presidents part just totry to raise his appeal.  I amin the job seeking market, now, and I wish I was alreadyretired!  I hope the minimumwage increase is blocked.  Thank you, sincerely
  • Anthony B
    Anthony B
    Every bar owner said the same thing about smoking and the affect it would have on their business, if their customers could not smoke inside, did not change their bottom line.  If you are a big business, let the EXECUTIVES at the top make a bit less. If you are a small business and you can't afford to pay a decent wage (minimum), and you are not probably paying for these employees to have health care, close your doors. People who own a business have a right to make more because they assume more of the liabilities. But how much more, and at who's expense???  All these EXPERTS are making a whole lot more than minimum wage.
  • Warren W
    Warren W
    Only an idiot supports the minimum wage.  The real name for minimum wage is minimum employment.
  • Gabriel C
    Gabriel C
    Obama seems to want to wreck this country from the inside out. The Russians once said they would take over America without firing a shot. Their methodology seems the same as Obama is trying to do. He will kill the Health Care market by shooting health care prices sky high costing the people ridiculous amounts of money to pay for it; legalizing millions of aliens not citizens by allowing them health care free, and issuing social security benefits to those aliens. That will be the straw that broke the Camel's back. He will destroy America, like the Russians wanted to do from the inside out. We need to impeach this maniac while we still can.
  • michealle f
    michealle f
    I think that they should raise minimum wage just do the middle class people me included can keep up with the cost of living. Right now the means do not meet the end for most of us we will still be in provdity so tell the president  to pass the bill
  • Tracy M
    Tracy M
    This is an interesting perspective. I am one of the many that has recently got a job for 7.50 an hour and am glad to get it, although this wage won't do much of anything for a household.
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