How to End a Phone Call With Someone Who Does Not Quit

John Krautzel
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Have you ever been on the phone with someone who goes on and on, repeating the same information over and over, telling stories that have no connection to the business at hand? Of course you have. Overly talkative callers can throw a wrench into your work day. Here are some tips for getting these chatty folks to end the phone call.

Have an Agenda

For every business call you take or make, you should have a plan in mind. What do you want to accomplish on this phone call? Consider writing down bullet points that you can check off as the call progresses. Once you have finished the business at hand, get ready to end the phone call at the first opportunity. Continue to be polite and professional, of course, but be aware on your own end when it is time to hang up the phone.

Watch the Clock

Decide ahead of time how much time you are able to allot to each phone call you make. Setting a time limit lets you know whether you can afford to chat for a minute or two. Remember that building relationships with customers and clients is part of business, and schedule a little time to ask your caller about her recent vacation or to discuss that great new restaurant that just opened before you end your phone call.

Take Advantage of Pauses

Every conversation has a natural ebb and flow, with the speakers pausing to take breaths or change the subject. When you are dealing with an overly talkative caller who simply does not stop talking, watch for those moments. Look for the opportunity to change the subject in a way that gets you to the end of the phone call without being rude.

Use the Hold Button

If you are in a position where you must deal with face-to-face visitors or customers as well as clients on the phone, feel free to put your caller on hold politely when a visitor arrives. Customers who come to your business in person should always take priority over phone calls. Simply apologize to your caller briefly, explain that you have someone in your office, and hit the hold button. Once you have greeted your in-person visitor and explained that you just have to finish a quick phone call, you should find that when you return to the call that the overly chatty caller's momentum has been interrupted, and ending the phone call should be simple.

Modern technology makes it easier than ever to deal with those who do not stop talking on the phone. Consider using your Caller ID feature to screen out the people whom you know take up your time unnecessarily, communicating with them instead via email and instant message. When you do have to end your phone calls abruptly, always do so politely and professionally.

Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic at


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