Facing Challenges Head-On

Joe Weinlick
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For management professionals, challenges are part of the game. Whether you're dealing with project delays or economic downturns, the way you face challenges impacts the reaction and behavior of your staff. By dealing with problems head-on, you can inspire workers to buckle down and overcome any issue.

Stay Aware

Challenges at work rarely come out of nowhere. In most cases, there are a variety of signs in the days and months leading up to the situation. As a management professional, you can avoid being caught off guard by staying aware and informed. Observe your staff and listen to their feedback. Make note of changes in client behavior, and become a news junkie on topics relating to your industry. This process enables you to spot red flags and anticipate potential problems. Awareness can reduce the emotional impact of a difficult situation, making it easier to face challenges with a clear head.

Create a Plan B

Preparation is a key part of surviving business upheavals. Increase your chances of success by creating a Plan B as soon as you see a hint of possible problems. The mere existence of a backup plan helps employees feel secure and provides valuable peace of mind during tough times. When a challenge arises, there's no need to panic or figure out what to do — you can simply start executing your Plan B, without taking time to wallow in confusion and fear. This fast transition time helps you face challenges head-on and gives you the advantage over less-prepared competitors.

Ask for Help

At first glance, problems at work can feel overwhelming and impossible to overcome. As a manager, you have the responsibility of bringing the team through a crisis — but not single-handedly. Face challenges head-on by taking a moment to analyze the situation and identify the aspects that are beyond your ability to handle. Then, ask for help. Instead of trying to struggle through difficult code, reach out to an expert on your team. If you're facing a PR nightmare, bring in an outside firm to lead a solution. Asking for help demonstrates humility and reduces wasted time.

Accept Failure

The fear or denial of failure can impact the way you face challenges in the office. Instead of blaming or finding an alternate explanation, set an example by changing your attitude. Understand that failure does not define you as a professional, and recognize that it's only a step on the road to success. By accepting responsibility for the problem, you can overcome the fear and shame and move on quickly to a productive solution. Demonstrating this type of mental strength creates a sense of security for your employees and enables them to do the same.

One hallmark of a great manager is the ability to face challenges with clarity and direction. With the right attitude and thoughtful practices, you can guide your team through difficult times and bring them through successfully.

Photo courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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